April is Stress Awareness Month

Since 1992, April has been recognized as Stress Awareness Month. Feelings of frustration, anger, and nervousness can bring on stress, and it is important to develop effective stress management techniques in order to deal with difficult situations. Here are just a few tips to help you manage stress, and promote positivity!

Get Active!

Physical activity boosts endorphins, which is the body’s natural painkiller. Exercise helps you to improve your mood, as well as your ability to relax. Even if you do not consider yourself athletic, making time for a walk outdoors is a step in the right direction!

Eat Healthy!

Stress can have a negative effect on your blood pressure and blood flow, but eating healthy foods can help improve this. Foods rich with vitamin C include oranges, strawberries, and tomatoes, which strengthen your immune system while also reducing stress hormone levels! Foods including leafy vegetables and salmon will boost magnesium levels, which helps to reduce headaches and fatigue.


Meditation helps you relax your mind, and find a sense of calm. Don’t know how to meditate? Sit or lay in a comfortable position, close your eyes, focus on your breathing, and let your mind wander. Remember to continue focusing on your breathing, and when you’re ready, open your eyes, and take a moment to notice your thoughts and feelings.


Laughter stimulates many organs including your heart and lungs, and increases endorphins! When you laugh, your heart rate and blood pressure increase then decrease, resulting in a feeling of relaxation. So watch your favorite comedy, read a funny book or magazine, it may help you feel less stressed!

Get Some Sleep!

Following a regular sleep schedule helps your body stay calm, and improves your mood, ability to concentrate, and sharpens your decision making. When you lack proper sleep, energy levels are greatly reduced, and mental clarity is weakened. Before bedtime, allow yourself time to unwind through meditation or quiet time, which will release tension and encourage proper sleep!


Following a regular sleep schedule helps your body stay calm, and improves your mood, ability to concentrate, If you are unable to relieve yourself of stress, reach out to somebody you trust! Always remember that you do not have to go through anything alone, and talking about how you are feeling can help you to identify the source of your stress, and make changes to improve the way you feel.

“In times of stress, the best thing we can do for each other is to listen with our ears and our hearts and to be assured that our questions are just as important as our answers.”

-Mr. Rogers

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